
Hohogo Experience

"Ho Ho" reminds us of the crispy laughter of Father Christmas - an expectation of joy and pleasant surprises. These are what the guided tours of Ho Ho Go presenting to our guests. Ho Ho Go is also the homonym of "Ho Ho Gwoh" in Cantonese, which means having an easy and a fulfilling livelihood. This is also the essence of our historic cultural walks, workshops, and geoheritage excursions. We don't make you a tourist with our activities, but a friend who lives in Hong Kong today. Ho Ho Go Experience is a licensed Hong Kong Tour Agency. It's a social enterprise run by local

Hongkongers. Our thematic tours tells stories of Hong Kong’s development. Our routes generally cover tradition and off-the-beaten-path attractions to suit guests who come to Hong Kong for the first time or have been here for long. Ho Ho Go also interested in picking the routes which may under,go a drastic change in the near future. We hope our guests, no matter local or from overseas, to share a piece of Hong Kong memory.
