

I like dealing with people from different countries and cultures. When I was young I was in Europe first for 3 months, this was in 1973 in a summer and it was 2 months in England and a month traveling in Europe; and then in 1979, it was 8 months; studying 5 months in Holland for a Financial Management course, and then traveling for 3 months, where I got to know most of Western Europe. These trips for me were very interesting and enriching as I had the opportunity to meet people from all over the world, learn about other cultures and other ways of thinking, I also learned English better, especially speaking more fluently. In the labor aspect, I worked in Administration and Finance Areas. Later, I worked as an Entrepreneur Developing Fractions for 25 years. Currently I am not very active, but I exercise a lot and I am in very good health I just turned 70, but physically I am better than people my age. And I like this type of activity for the opportunity to deal with people from other countries and to be in tourist and cultural activity.
